About Us

Contact Vicki

Our office is located in the Dallas/Plano, Texas area

You may contact Vicki by email at vicki@alwaysuplifting.earth

To schedule an appointment you may call 972-238-8918 or email Vicki 

International clients may contact Vicki via WhatsApp

(Phone calls will be returned within 24 hours; emails will be returned within 72 hours)

For upcoming events or scheduled self-help classes follow us on Facebook

Meet Vicki


I initially sought out Jin Shin Jyutsu as a means to recover from the terminal medical diagnosis of ovarian cancer that had metastasized into other female organs, (ovaries, uterus and cervix) with a tumor in the ovary that could burst at any moment becoming fatal in and of itself. After about 4 months of receiving Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions and doing daily self-help I received a clean bill of health with absolutely no cancer cells left in my body and the tumor was completely gone.

Within the first month of receiving the Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions I started experiencing an enhancement of my mental clarity and a strong sense of self coming forth. It brought forth the courage within me to make the decision to leave my corporate career of 10+ years, (which was very stressful, unfulfilling, but paid the bills, not to mention the fact that everyone around me thought I was crazy) and start my own business in a field that was much more uplifting and fulfilling to me.

Prior to my being diagnosed with the cancer and related issues I had been medically diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and the beginnings of Crones disease (which were both hereditary issues in my family). It was recommended that I dramatically change my diet to reduce the symptoms and to learn to live with the labels. I had also been living with extreme migraine headaches during the five previous years, as a result of a soft tissue injury from a car accident. After seeing many doctors and specialists, (I had even been to the Mayo Clinic) and taught bio-feedback, given many different types of medications with nothing helping to relieve the headaches, not to mention eliminating them all together, I was told that I would need to find a way to live life with them. This was impossible and unacceptable to me. I received acupuncture and chiropractic treatment regularly and this did seem to alleviate the pain but still did not eliminate the headaches all together. Since receiving the Jin Shin Jyutsu sessions for the cancer and related projects I have not had a migraine headache and stopped having the symptoms related to the Crones disease and the IBS without having to dramatically change my diet.

I have since developed a deep respect and awe for the art and have become a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner. Jin Shin Jyutsu has had, and still continues to have, a profound effect upon my life, as it does with most who come in contact with it.

Vicki began her journey in the holistic health and wellness field in 1992. It is her joy and passion to provide services with integrity, compassion and to continually learn, share and expand her knowledge, individually or through lectures. She is an ordained minister who takes an integrative healing approach combining Life & Wellness Coaching, Jin Shin Jyutsu, detoxing and nutritional guidance and as well as an Energy Healing Facilitator working with clients and pets alike. In addition, she is consistently empowering her clients with tools, products, and services that support them in achieving their desired results.
As a Life and Wellness Coach, It is about self-discovery. Vicki will help you explore what stage of change you are in and what action you are ready to take. She shares holistic solutions to enhance, restore and maintain a healthy lifestyle. She incorporates self-help protocols and recommends natural nutritional products, essential oils, and life enhancing products that promote grounding, balance, and well-being.
As a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner and self-help instructor for over two decades, Vicki guides her clients in the ancient Japanese practice that unlocks, integrates, and aligns the natural flow of energy of the mind, body, and Spirit. Clients practicing these self-help protocols consistently are promoting, restoring, and harmonizing the life essence that flows within them contributing to living a healthy, happy lifestyle.
As an Energetic Healing Facilitator, Vicki collaborates with her client’s own spirit guides and higher self for intuitive healing, connecting, and aligning with higher dimensional planes. She assists with the transmuting and transforming energetic information and fields for optimal healing objectives and spiritual growth. Sessions serve physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual interconnectivity.
Harmony and Health are literally held in your own hands. Vicki can assist with your growth to acquire self-help knowledge through her integrative healing techniques. Vicki is available for additional information, lectures, interviews, self-help workshops as well as the services described above.

Meet the company mascot - Smiling Gecko


In the Lemurian culture, the smiling gecko represents the trinity of light; bringing and expressing light through the smile which then provides one the opportunity to move into and embody joy. 

Spiritually, the gecko represents incredible healing and cleansing qualities due to its regenerative powers. This animal literally has the ability to shed its skin in a cyclic manner, disposing of the old and making space for the new.