Juice Plus+

All natural, whole food product made from 17 different fruits, vegetables, and grains that bridge the gap between what you should eat and what you actually eat. The fact is that most of the food that is available to us is void or severely depleted of their natural nutrients and cooking can further deplete the nutritional value, therefore, it is beneficial to supplement. With these products, you are able to provide your body with the basic nutritional foundation in a convenient, inexpensive capsule form.
Juice Plus+ Tower Garden

Vibes Up Products

Fun, effortless products for you that are Excellent helpers for clearing non-beneficial energy, neutralizing unnatural substances, toxins and recharging them with healthy nature balanced nurturing vibes! Neutralize EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) from electronics, cell phones etc. Items to place under your plates and cups to charge food and drinks, they are infrared so the energy can pass through the dishes! They re-charge themselves and never need to be cleared. Use them to sooth discomfort on your body. Items to place in your bra for a clearing of toxic vibes from under wires or near your heart for comfort. These are important little helpers under your pet’s food and water dishes. Pet food is pretty toxic now a days and water is full of contaminates. Pets are even more vulnerable to toxins than we are. These products can upgrade the quality of your cosmetics and lotions. Use under the legs of your metal bed frame to help ground your bed. Use them in your clothing drawers to help raise the vibe of synthetic clothing. They can provide emotional upliftment, help you to maintain balance during high stress times. Helps you stay grounded and focused. Lots and lots of healthy uplifting products; clothing, jewelry, items for plants, cream & products for rejuvenation, products that extend the shelf life of food in your refrigerator the list goes on and on. You really have to check these out! Click on the link for products and more information.
Pure-Light Sanitizing Light Bulbs

A NASA technology used to Clean & Purify the air on the International Space Station....Now improved and made in the form of a LED Light Bulb! This is not a simple light bulb; it is actually a miniaturized air purification system. The bulbs are very cost effective; last for about 10 years, with an estimated energy cost of $1.08 per year. The technology behind the Pure-Light Super Oxygen Light™ bulbs has been proven to breakdown 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold including deadly MRSA, Cold & Flu viruses, E-COLI, SARS, STAPH, CRE, Salmonella, Anthrax, Plague... even those viruses/bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics. Dissolves pollen and other allergens. You can literally help make your home hypo-allergenic. New Patent Pending Technology allows it to work indoors for up to 10 years with natural indoor lighting! Additionally, the process breaks down toxic indoor air pollutants like formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, methane, benzene, and other VOCs into harmless components. (The main components of Smog) Eradicates the need for harmful chemical sanitizers. Eliminates the need for aerosols that deplete the ozone layer. Great for your home and business. Minimal effort with extraordinary benefits! Just flip on the light switch and bulb does the work.
Young Living Essential Oils
The world leader in essential oils
Young Living is the world leader in providing therapeutic medicinal grade essential oils. Essential Oils, known as nature’s living energy, are highly concentrated and far more potent than dry herbs. They provide a natural alternative to the synthetic products and chemicals you may be using. You may use them for all types of cleaning, disinfecting, cooking, skin care, gardening, personal hygiene, strengthening your immune system, maintaining and promoting mental and emotional equilibrium and clarity, as well as, promoting comfort and wellness. They can be safely worn, ingested and/or diffused. Insects even avoid them and certain oils can be used safely with animals also. For full listing of products to order and/or more information, click on the link.

Here are few downloadable flyers that you may find helpful.

Nano Soma is an all natural liquid supplement that supercharges our immune systems, increases vitamin D levels, and assists your body in entering a balanced state known as homeostasis. In this state our bodies can convert oxidized Vitamin C back into Vitamin C. When this happens, the body recognizes that Vitamin C as endogenous (its own). In so doing, when needed to fight off infection or for other purposes, the Vitamin C levels in our bodies can be several times those the body will sustain from just externally sourced Vitamin C
The active key ingredient in NANO SOMA is a patented nano-emulsion of policosanol, a natural component of our diets that went missing when our food was refined. Its effects on the body are profound. It has been shown to regulate all 48/9 nuclear receptors in the nucleus of the cell. It can also prompt fibroblast cells to create nuclear receptors where there were none before. Thus, in the presence of NANO SOMA, your body has the resources it needs to enable the body to heal itself and correct any errors in your DNA.
NANO SOMA has been shown to enable the body to heal for itself every health condition against which it has been tested, such as:
- issues with our organs: see this world-first healing of a heart;
- 18 pathological viruses; including SARS-COV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19
- This has been demonstrated in both laboratory testing and in a hospital trial.
- pathological bacteria and fungi – see this highly drug-resistant tuberculosis recovery.
- has been shown to prompt a reversal of biological aging;
- activates the production of pluripotent stem cells (cells which can become any cell as needed) throughout our bodies.
Here are 60 pages of testimonials gathered by Dr. Palayakotai Raghavan,creator of the product, over 10 years and here are the ones gathered since December 2019.